Katakolon LOCATION
Katakolon Location & travel distances
If you intend to travel to Katakolon or if you are already at Katakolon with a cruise ship, you should probably know what are the travel distances between several places.
Usually the first destination from Katakolon is Olympia and its archaeological site, which is located 37km away from Katakolon port. The road is great though, so you will need approximately 20 minutes to reach the site. In the case you choose to travel there by taxi or a rental car, you will need even less time.
The castle of Chlemoutsi is located 45km from Katakolon, therefore you will need to calculate 30 – 40 minutes approximately by car or taxi.
Mercouri winery is approximately 15km from the port of Katakolon, but you need to consider that you will spend at least thirty minutes touring the winery. In order to reach the beaches of Katakolon, you will need 15-25 minutes to get there, depending on the beach you will choose.
The main city of Pyrgos, which is the seat of the municipality is 13km away, while the city of Patras is 100km away, therefore you will need an hour and a half or so to reach it.
The distance of Athens from Katakolon is 320km.
Travel distances from Katakolon
All travel distances are mentioned in kilometers and miles Pyrgos : 13km, 8.07 miles Olympia: 32.9km, 22.99 miles Chlemoutsi Castle: 45km, 27.96 miles Mercouri Winery: 15km, 9.32 miles Patras: 100km,62.13 miles Athens: 320km, 198.83 miles
The closest airports are:
Araxos Airport (71.9 km away) The airport is located 45 km southwest of the city of Patra and operates since 1984.
Kalamata Airport (127km) Kalamata Airport is located 9 km west of the city Kalamata.
Athens Airport (344km) 3.30 hours from Katakolon port.